The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England, Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas
Grand Lodge Investiture - Tuesday 13th June 2023
Grand Temple, 60 Great Queen St, London
Another special occasion to look forward to, a trip to the wonderful Freemasons Hall on Great Queen Street to witness all the Brethren being appointed and invested on First Appointment to Grand Rank.
Set off at 8 a.m. for Piccadilly station and thought to myself at least I’ll have no problems getting up that dreaded on ramp for the M60, crawling traffic and motorways closed, I’ll have a nice relaxing trip, no such luck, the train was like the many football specials I have been on!! The carriage was packed and looked like it needed a deep clean, the two seats were anything but what I believed had been ordered, one on the isle on the left the other on the isle right side, never mind I thought I can listen to some soothing music, only one problem what did I forget to bring, a set of wireless headphones!!
Ah well arrived at Euston, joined the long que, the very long que for a taxi, made it at last, just enough time to get changed and find a seat in the Temple, had a great view from the balcony looking towards the Grand Master’s chair and the magnificent gold organ.
The meeting opened on time with the procession entering headed by the Grand Master, M. W.Bro. His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent GCVO, the Pro G.M., Dep G.M., Asst G.M and visiting Provincial Grand Master’s and Brethren from Overseas as well as Acting Grand officers from England.
It was a long meeting, but you could sense the delight from all those being invested, following the National Anthem and the meeting being concluded a rousing reception was given to the G.M. and his entourage as they retired.
On closing and once everyone had changed, they made their way to one of several bars in the building or went across the road to the two watering holes used by Masons on visits to Grand Lodge. Before too long everyone had made their way to the impressive dining room and taken up their allotted seats for the Festive Board, which included the Celebration for his Royal Highness on being the GM of our wonderful Mark Degree for the past 40 years.
I unfortunately I had to leave early and once I had taken a few pictures it was time to return to Euston, sat and had a coffee until it was time to board, now I thought the journey back must be more pleasant than the one to Euston, of course as usual I was wrong. Arrived in Manchester, tired having had an interesting day to be picked up by my wife thank goodness, got home and settled into an easy chair, Laphroaig in hand, thinking of the friends I had seen at the Hall and looking forward to meeting new friends next season at Mark and Royal Ark Mariner meetings. Mark Well.
Austin N Fletcher. PGJD.
“The Magic of the Mark”